Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Rise of the Dragon


The Rise of the Dragon


Barely able to move a muscle
The Dragon lies fallen in the forsaken land of the enemies
Betrayal and mistrust brought him down
Companions he trusted the most being responsible for his downfall

There lies the mighty lord of morning in the shadow of thick dust
Thinks about the promises made, oaths taken
But now, all of them broken
Cries out this cannot be…

Earth trembled under his footsteps, wind feared to breathe
Water was kept thirsty, the sun blinded in his light
Such was his might
Before he was betrayed

Oh forsaken one, as you read pray for the return
Of the mighty warrior of light
He’s now weakened to the marrow
Walk in the light for later you’ll not regret

He who comes with the dawn
Will unite you all and break you
Make you pay for all your sins
Before you attain salvation

So all you can hope for is freedom
Not from physical pain but physical existence
Pray you are not enslaved by the lord of lies
For The Dragon will then give you no mercy

He shall wield the blade of light
Blazing, cutting the watchers’ eye
Under his diplomacy they’ll break
But their destiny he will spare

He’ll rise again, the old glories he’ll regain
The world into pieces he’ll tear, his enemies will quiver
When they hear his name, he’ll twist the dimensions to his advantage
Play with time and space

Beware oh insignificant mortal, before he returns to glory
And rides the winds
Your blood shall be taken, you soul tested
Walk in the light in the name of The Dragon
And you shall pass the test

You get to choose the path of your destiny
The path of pain and salvation under The Dragon’s golden banner
Or a life of eternal slavery to the lord of illusions
In the dark realms of the broken earth.


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